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18.03.2017 12:06 Age: 6 yrs

4th Transnational Meeting in Naklo, Slovenia

The fourth Farm-Success transnational meeting was held in Naklo, Slovenia on the 9-10th March 2017. The first day of the meeting commenced with an overview of the project work completed recently, followed by a presentation of the case studies. The remainder of the morning session was spent discussing the project management and reporting as well as the development of the structure and contents of the training modules. In the afternoon, project partners were presented with the outline of the serious game and how users would advance through the game in order to facilitate their understanding of good decision-making in farm succession processes. To conclude the first day, the project dissemination and exploitation strategy and progress was also presented to partners. On the second day of the meeting in Naklo, the project monitoring and evaluation were deliberated and evaluated, before partners made their last remarks on the upcoming work to be completed before the next project meeting in September 2017.