Intergration of the Workgroup into other activities at TUM
By testing methods of remote sensing through research, by incorporating them into the flow of information of practical applications and by lecturing on newly gained insights, the Workgroup constitutes an important counterpart to the methodological and technical orientation of the research performed by the Chair of Remote Sensing Technology, which is located on the main TUM campus in Munich. The range of subjects covered turn the Workgroup Remote Sensing into a model for a broader presence of such workgroups in the matrix structure of the Centre of Life and Food Sciences Weihenstephan.
The Workgroup Remote Sensing is part of many diploma, bachelor and master courses at the schools of agriculture, horticulture, forestry and resource management as well as at the school of landscape architecture and planning. The interdisciplinary approach to research also extends to the research departments of life science engineering, ecology and ecosystem management, plant science, economics and social sciences, etc.
The main focus of teaching is on:
- Imparting the basics for conducting remote sensing: Physical foundations, concepts of sensors, change of the signal by the atmosphere, topography, foundations on image processing, signatures, etc.
- Doing exercises in the interpretation of aerial photographs, in image processing and in combination of remote sensing and GIS for practical applications
- Consolidating understanding of remote sensing: Image analysis (traditional, statistical, object-oriented examination), mixed pixels analysis, signature analysis, geometric and radiometric correction, reflection function (BRDF), etc.