Our chair at the Food Chemistry Day in Hamburg

[Translate to english:] Sophie Scheibenzuber (o.l.), Lisa Obermaier (o.r), Simone Schinko (u.l.) und Stefan Pieczonka (u.r.) mit ihren Postern.

At the 50th "deutscher Lebensmittelchemikertag" taking place 19th-21st of September in Hamburg our chair was represented by four colleagues. In the poster session Sophie Scheibenzuber gave updates for the EU-project "Provide", while Lisa Obermaier presented her results concerning the folate content in exotic brazilian fruits. Matching the "Oktoberfest" month, two of the scientists showcased their beer research: Simone Schinko showed new data on the behaviour of the vitamin B6 content during the brewing process and Stefan Pieczonka displayed the extensive insights of his thesis regarding the beer metabolome in his poster, as well as in a presentation.