
Out Chair at Munich Metabolomics Meeting 2023

With almost one hundred participants, the Munich Metabolomics Meeting is almost bursting at the seams. Keynote speakers Martin Giera (Leiden) and Justin van der Hooft (Wageningen), together with the development teams from XCMS, MZMine, Sirius and Co. enrich the two-day conference at Helmholtz Zentrum München. Bruker, ThermoFischer and Sciex are also on site and present the latest advances in mass spectrometry.

Our chair was represented by Christian Schnurr, Stefan Pieczonka, Melissa Bentele and our former colleague Lance Buckett, not forgetting, of course, organiser Michael Witting, who set up the thoroughly successful event.

Picture: Christian Schnurr presents his poster on LCMS/MS analysis of prenyl flavonoids in mulberry samples.