TUM Open House Day: Analytical Food Chemistry presents current Research and Teaching

Experimental lecture in Analytical Food Chemistry

Presentation of the “food sensor for the handbag”


On the occasion of its 150th anniversary the Technical University of Munich opened its doors on the 13th of October. During this “Open House Day” at the TUM School of Life Sciences Weihenstephan the Chair of Analytical Food Chemistry presented an experimental lecture and a novel food sensor. In the lecture Martin Neumeier and Prof. Rychlik introduced to the audience of approx. 50 visitors the analysis and chemistry of foods by means of experiments with common food stuffs. At the booth of the Chair around 100 visitors inspected the features and limitations of a handy “food sensor for the handbag”. With the latter the quantitation of sugars in grapes and apples, of cocoa in chocolate and of fats and proteins was presented.