Silesia-Clemens Hanke Award 2022

Two scientists of our chair honoured with research award

[Translate to english:] Preisverleihung 2023 (v. links): Dr. Martin Preininger (Silesia), Elias Geilich (Preisträger, ALC), Clemens Hanke (Silesia), Prof. Corinna Dawid (Lehrstuhl für Lebensmittelchemie und molekulare Sensorik) - Dr. Martin Preininger (Silesia), Dr. Stefan Pieczonka (Preisträger, ALC), Clemens Hanke (Silesia), Prof. Corinna Dawid (Lehrstuhl für Lebensmittelchemie und molekulare Sensorik)

Since 2017, in an annual celebration the "Silesia-Clemens-Hanke Foundation" awards a research prize at TUM School of Life Sciences Weihenstephan, where students and recent PhD candidates are honoured for their excellent contribution to the field of food chemistry. Every year, two Bachelor and two Master students, as well as one PhD are awarded.

The prize was initiated by Clemens Hanke, CEO of the aroma manufacturer "Silesia", in order to motivate young scientists as, in his words, the future of Germany's economic success is highly dependent on young talents in research.

At our chair, this year we are pleased to receive two awards:

Elias Geilich was awarded a prize, worth 1000 €,  for his Bachelor's Thesis "Quantification of vitamin B6 and its glycosides in selected beer products and in different stages of a model brewing process".

The popular award for the best dissertation with a prize money of 4000 € was received by our chair member Dr. Stefan Pieczonka, who with his thesis called "Comprehensive Characterisation of the Beer Metabolome" provided innovative concepts for non-targeted analytics of beer. His outstanding work presents new possibilities in the fields of food authentizity  forensic-chemical analysis, as well as for re-tracing the brewing process.
