Inclusion of the New Research Infrastructure METROFOOD-RI in the European Roadmap 2018 by the European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures ESFRI

METROFOOD-RI ( ) is a European Research Infrastructure, which aims at integrating the principles of metrology (i.e. the science of measurement) into food analysis on a paneuropean level. The European consortium consists of 48 institutions from 18 countries collaborating in the field of food analysis, food technology, agriculture, information technology and risk assessment. Germany is represented by the TUM Chair of Analytical Food Chemistry and the consortium is coordinated by Dr. Claudia Zoani from the Italian partner ENEA

After a successful proof of concept (Early Phase) in 2017 METROFOOD-RI will apply for EU funding of 4 Mio. € from 2019-2021 for the Preparatory Phase to become fully operational in 2024. The research infrastructure will then offer procedures for method standardization, for preparing reference materials, proficiency tests, data management and processing as services for authorities and private customers. The life time of the infrastructure is foreseen by the EU until 2043.

The inclusion into the Roadmap 2018 was announced by ESFRI on 11-09-2018 in Vienna ( and METROFOOD-RI was introduced to the general public on the 4th of october 2018 in Rome.