
Florian Biener wins Silesia prize for bachelor thesis on in-vitro meat

It is not unusual that during covid times bachelor theses are carried out theoretically. One of the most intriguing theses comes from Florian Biener who did his bachelor thesis in our group about the topic of in-vitro meat (IVM). His work mainly focusses on legal hurdles regarding the admission of IVM products as well as on negative consumer judgements. After all, however, the work states that the potentials of IVM will outperform conventionally produced meat regarding environmental factors and, therefore, have decent market potential in the next decades.

Recently, Florian Biener was awarded the Silesia-Clemens Hanke research prize for his bachelor thesis. The prize is awarded annually to the best final projects of students from the life sciences at campus Weihenstephan. Congratualtions to this honor and best of luck for the future carreer!