
Trilateral Symposium with the University of Queensland (UQ) and the University of the State Sao Paolo (UNESP) at the TUM School of Life Sciences Weihenstephan

Participants in the Symposium

Representatives of the participating universities: Prof. Gary Schenk (UQ), Prof. Carlos Vergani (UNESP), Prof. Volker Sieber (TUM), Prof. Paul Young (UQ), Prof. Michael Rychlik (TUM)

The Chair of Analytical Food Chemistry organized the trilateral symposium titled „Natural Products: Analytics, Biodiversity and Biochemistry“ with focus on food analysis together with the Graduate Center Weihenstephan in Freising and Straubing.

The symposium was concluded on the 21st of June in the TUM Headquarter with the signing of Global Bioeconomy Alliance between the three universities.

More information about the Global Bioeconomy Alliance are available at the pages of the des TUM Internation Center: link