Persönlicher Status und Werkzeuge


14.01.2022 Transfer from model to crop plants: the Vlot lab confirms a role of volatile organic compounds in systemic immunity of barley and identifies two volatiles with a possible causative role in barley defense against pathogens.

Immunity-associated volatile emissions of beta-ionone and nonanal propagate defence responses in neighbouring barley plants.Alessandro Brambilla,  Anna Sommer,  Andrea Ghirardo,  Marion...[mehr]

21.12.2021 Corina Vlot publishes a review on the role of terpenoids in plant immunity; the authors hypothesize that these volatile compounds fine-tune cross talk between defense-associated phytohormones.

Volatile terpenes - mediators of plant-to-plant communication. The Plant Journal (2021) 108, 617–631 Maaria Rosenkranz, Yuanyuan Chen, Peiyuan Zhu and A. Corina Vlot (2021). Plants interact with other organisms employing...[mehr]

10.12.2021 A new collaborative paper between the lab of Frank Johannes and Bob Schmitz.

Heterochromatin is a quantitative trait associated with spontaneous epiallele formation. Yinwen Zhang, Hosung Jang, Rui Xiao, Ioanna Kakoulidou, Robert S. Piecyk, Frank Johannes, Robert J. Schmitz. Nature Communications (2021)...[mehr]

18.10.2021 We are very happy to introduce our two new members in the Young Investigator Committee.

Patricia-Lena Seitz is a doctoral candidate from Uni Regensburg and she will take over the position of Vice-President. Preeti Sahu is from LMU and will take over the representation of doctoral candidates from his...[mehr]

18.10.2021 A new paper on BX biosynthesis from the Emeritus group of Monika Frey is now published in Phytochemistry.

Engineering of benzoxazinoid biosynthesis in Arabidopsis thaliana: Metabolic and physiological challenges. Aleksej Abramov, Thomas Hoffmann, Timo D. Stark, Linlin Zheng, Stefan Lenk, Richard Hammerl, Tobias Lanzl, Corinna...[mehr]

25.02.2021 Comparison of smut fungi colonization styles and signals required for spatiotemporal orientation of smuts in planta.

How do smut fungi use plant signals to spatiotemporally orientate on and in planta? S. Fungi Karina van der Linde, Vera Göhre (2021). . More than 1000 teliospore-forming fungi, which cause plant smut diseases, have...[mehr]

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