Persönlicher Status und Werkzeuge


08.01.2015 New paper from Hückelhoven lab.

The Arabidopsis ROP-activated receptor-like cytoplasmic kinase RLCK VI_A3 is involved in control of basal resistance to powdery mildew and trichome branching. Tina Reiner, Caroline Hoefle, Christina Huesmann, Dalma Ménesi,...[mehr]

11.11.2014 New papers from Hückelhoven, Mayer and Vlot Labs.

Bacteria-triggered systemic immunity in barley is not a canonical systemic acquired resistance but is associated with WRKY and ETHYLENE RESPONSIVE FACTORs. Plant Physiol. Sanjukta Dey , Marion Wenig, Gregor Langen, Sapna...[mehr]

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