Persönlicher Status und Werkzeuge


14.07.2022 The Johannes lab reviews the state of the art in using deep learning methods to predict 3D chromatin looping in eukaryotes.

Predicting 3D chromatin interactions from DNA sequence using Deep Learning. Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal (2022) Volume 20, 2022, Pages 3439-3448 Robert S. Piecyk, Luca Schlegel, Frank Johannes Gene...[mehr]

05.07.2022 New Paper by the Hammes lab in a collaboration with the group of Bjørn Pedersen at Århus University in Nature. Contributions from PhD students Dorina Janacek, Martina Kolb and Master student Lukas Schulz. Congratulations.

Structures and mechanism of the plant PIN-FORMED auxin transporter. Nature (2022) Kien Lam Ung, Mikael Winkler, Lukas Schulz Martina Kolb, Dorina P. Janacek, Emil Dedic , David L. Stokes, Ulrich Z. Hammes, and Bjørn Panyella...[mehr]

28.03.2022 The group of Ralph Hückelhoven shows that barley RACB shares a conserved ubiquitination site with all plant ROP GTPases and mammalian RHO/RAC proteins.

Posttranslational modification of the RHO of plants protein RACB by phosphorylation and cross-kingdom conserved ubiquitination. PLOS one 17: e0258924 Lukas Weiß, Lana Gaelings, Tina Reiner, Julia Mergner, Bernhard Kuster,...[mehr]

15.02.2022 New paper from our SFB924 Alumnus principal investigator Brigitte Poppenberger on the regulation of GA biosynthesis by the transcription factor CESTA.

The brassinosteroid-regulated transcription factor CESTA induces the GA2-oxidase GA2ox7.  Plant Physiol. online early Pablo Albertos, Tanja Wlk, Jayne Griffiths, Maria J Pimenta Lange, Simon J Unterholzner, Wilfried...[mehr]

08.02.2022 Caroline Gutjahr explains plant symbioses and their impact on plant growth in the public seminar series TUM@Freising.

Heimliche Helfer im Untergrund – wie Pflanzen von Mikroorganismen im Boden profitieren.Prof. Dr. Caroline Gutjahr31. Januar 2022 Link to the YouTube Video here:[mehr]

08.02.2022 Claus Schwechheimer explains gene editing to M94.5, Munich’s student radio.


31.01.2022 New paper and a spotlight from the Gutjahr lab in collaboration with Jianhua Zhang’s lab (Chinese University Hong Kong) showing how plants regulate arbuscular mycorrhiza in accordance with their phosphate status.

PHOSPHATE STARVATION RESPONSE transcription factors enable arbuscular mycorrhiza symbiosis. Nature Communications 13:477 Debatosh Das, Michael Paries, Karen Hobecker, Michael Gigl, Corinna Dawid, Hon-Ming Lam, Jianhua...[mehr]

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