Persönlicher Status und Werkzeuge


20.12.2022 New publication on gamete fusion from the Sprunck lab, in collaboration with the M.-X. Sun lab in Wuhan, China.

DMP8 and 9 regulate HAP2/GCS1 trafficking for the timely acquisition of sperm fusion competence. PNAS 119, Vol. 45, e2207608119. Wei Wang, Hanxian Xiong, Philipp Cyprys,...[mehr]

15.12.2022 Two-day Online Gender workshop for the SFB Young Investigators on "In Science Only Quality Matters", 15./16.12.22.

Gender biases are evident in science at various levels. They have an impact across disciplines at the professional level: not only in terms of the proportion of women and men in the various disciplines, but also at the various...[mehr]

30.11.2022 Congratulations to Lukas Schulz for receiving the prize for the best Master Thesis in the plant field in Germany of the year 2022 awarded by the German Botanical Society (DBG).

Lukas Schulz's Master thesis was awarded with the Prize for the Best Plant Science Master Thesis, which was carried out at Technische Universität München in the year 2022 Title: "Biochemical and Biophysical...[mehr]

28.11.2022 Claus, together with Stefanie Sprunck and Miyo Morita, publish their editorial in Current Opinion in Plant Biology. With this Editorial Overview, their issue on Cell biology and cell signaling is now complete.

Editorial overview: Cell biology and cell signalling. Current Opinion in Plant Biology, Volume 70, December 2022, 102312 Stefanie Sprunck, Claus Schwechheimer, Miyo T. Morita [mehr]

08.11.2022 Excursion to the Bayerisches Landesamt für Gesundheit und Lebensmittelsicherheit on November 8th in Oberschleißheim.

Tue, 08.11.2022 (10:00 h) Excursion to the Bayerisches Landesamt für Gesundheit und Lebensmittelsicherheit on November 8th in Oberschleißheim, Veterinärstr. 2, 85764 Oberschleißheim Start (bus driving from Freising to the...[mehr]

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