Persönlicher Status und Werkzeuge


20.11.2020 Johannes lab: Two companion papers about spontaneous epimutations are out in Genome Biology. We show, for the first time, that stochastic methylation changes act as an aging clock in trees.

AlphaBeta: computational inference of epimutation rates and spectra from high-throughput DNA methylation data in plants. Genome Biology 21:260 Yadollah Shahryary, Aikaterini Symeonidi, Rashmi R. Hazarika, Johanna Denkena,...[mehr]

13.11.2020 Tansley review from the Vlot lab: we discuss what is known about the molecular mechanisms of plant systemic immunity.

Systemic propagation of immunity in plants. New Phytologist (2020) A. Corina Vlot, Jennifer H. Sales, Miriam Lenk, Kornelia Bauer, Alessandro Brambilla, Anna Sommer, Yuanyuan Chen, Marion Wenig, and Shahran Nayem. Systemic...[mehr]

16.10.2020 The Küster laboratory pubished in scientific data an extension of their recent Arabidopsis proteome atlas.

Proteomic and transcriptomic profiling of aerial organ development in Arabidopsis. Scientific data (2020) 7:334 Julia Mergner, Martin Frejno, Maxim Messerer, Daniel Lang, Patroklos Samaras, Mathias Wilhelm, Klaus F X Mayer,...[mehr]

08.10.2020 New paper from the Sprunck lab: ARO proteins delimit ROP signaling in tip growing cells. Now published in Nature Plants.

ARMADILLO REPEAT ONLY proteins confine Rho GTPase signaling to polar growth sites. Nature Plants 6, 1275-1288 Ivan Kulich, Frank Vogler, Andrea Bleckmann, Philipp Cyprys, Maria Lindemeier, Ingrid Fuchs, Laura Krassini, Thomas...[mehr]

07.09.2020 The Hückelhoven laboratory summarizes what is known about ROP GTPases in plant immunity and disease.

Regulation and Functions of ROP GTPases in Plant-Microbe Interactions. Cells 2020, 9, 2016 Stefan Engelhardt, Adriana Trutzenberg, and Ralph Hückelhoven Rho proteins of plants (ROPs) form a specific clade of Rho GTPases,...[mehr]

03.09.2020 New paper: Nina Lantzouni and Claus are glad for the collaboration with the George Bassel laboratory (Birmingham/Warwick) on the systems biology analysis of seed germination now published in Current Biology.

A Molecular Signal Integration Network Underpinning Arabidopsis Seed Germination. Curr. Biol. 30, 1-10, October 5, 2020 Hao Xu, Ourania Lantzouni, Tonko Bruggink, Rene Benjamins, Frank Lanfermeijer, Katherine Denby, Claus...[mehr]

29.07.2020 Christopher McCollum from the Hückelhoven laboratory publishes on a RACB interactor in Plant Physiology. Congratulation.

ROP INTERACTIVE PARTNER b interacts with RACB and supports fungal penetration into barley epidermal cells. Plant Physiol. doi: 10.1104/pp.20.00742. in press. Christopher McCollum, Stefan Engelhardt, Lukas Weiss, Ralph...[mehr]

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