Persönlicher Status und Werkzeuge



SFB924 Progress Report Seminar - nicht öffentlich!

Wed. 02.10.2019

Hörsaal B01.019, Hauptgebäude, 1. Stock, LMU Biozentrum, Großhaderner Str. 2, 82152 Martinsried

13:00 h – 14:00 h Lunch, Foyer

No project leader meeting.

14:00 h – 15:00 h Meeting Young Investigator Initiative, Hörsaal B01.019, Hauptgebäude, 1. Stock

Chair: Prof. Dr. Martin Parniske

10:00 h Ajeet Chaudhary (Schneitz lab)
“The receptor kinase STRUBBELIG regulates the cell wall stress response in Arabidopsis.”

10:25 h Constance Tisserant (Weiberg lab)
„Small RNA transport from pathogens to plants.“

10:50 h Carlos Agius (Schwechheimer lab)
“Abiotic stress regulation by XERICO E3 Ligases in Arabidopsis and tomato.”

11:15 h – 11:45 h Coffee Break

11:45 h Martin Janda (Robatzek lab)
„Funktions of extracellular vesicles in bacterial infectionof plants.“

12:10 h Lars Raasch (Ranf lab)
"Components of LORE-dependent immune signalling in Arabidopsis thaliana"

12:35 h Karina Hille (Dawid lab)
"Molecular assessment of metabolome alterations in Hordeum vulgare induced by net blotch"