Information to Zoom seminar: 2 PhD students present their work.
Dear all,
It is my pleasure to announce that we will have a SFB Zoom Seminar this week Thursday (April 29) given by Carlos Agius and Lukas Weiss from TUM. You find the details below. Please distribute the link and details to people who may not be included in the mailing list.
Looking forward to see you all there.
Thur 29.04.2021 (17.15 h) - SFB924 Kolloquium "Molecular Mechanisms of Agronomic Traits" - Zoom seminar
Lukas Weiss (TP Hückelhoven)
Interaction partners of the barley disease susceptilbility factor RACB.
Carlos Agius (TP Schwechheimer)
Abiotic stress regulation by Xerico E3 ligases.
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Kenncode: 678678