Persönlicher Status und Werkzeuge



Zoom seminar: Dr. Stefanie Müller-Schüssele, INRES, Universität Bonn (DE): "The Good, the Bad and ROS: Deciphering Plant Stress Physiology Using Genetically Encoded Biosensors."

Thur 16.09.2021 (17:15 h) - Zoom seminar

Dr. Stefanie Müller-Schüssele (INRES, Universität Bonn, DE)

The Good, the Bad and ROS: Deciphering Plant Stress Physiology Using Genetically Encoded Biosensors.

SFB924 Kolloquium "Molecular Mechanisms of Agronomic Traits"

(Host: PD Dr. Stefanie Sprunck, UR)

Join Zoom-Meeting:

Meeting-ID: 686 7498 0463
Kenncode: 988544