Persönlicher Status und Werkzeuge


21.11.2022 SFB924 Hybrid seminar (Special date): Dr. Sebastian Schornack, Sainsbury Laboratory Cambridge University (UK): "Structurally similar effector proteins of symbiotic and pathogenic fungi."

Thur 21.11.2022 (13:00 h) - Hybrid seminar Dr. Sebastian Schornack (Sainsbury Laboratory Cambridge University, UK) Structurally similar effector proteins of symbiotic and pathogenic fungi. SFB924 Kolloquium "Molecular...[mehr]

24.11.2022 Information to Hybrid seminar: Dr. Elwira Smakowska- Luzan, Wageningen University (NL)

Thur 24.11.2022 (17:15 h) - Hybrid seminar Dr. Elwira Smakowska- Luzan (Wageningen University, NL)The role of Cysteine-Rich Proteins in extracellular ROS perception. SFB924 Kolloquium "Molecular Mechanisms of Agronomic...[mehr]

24.11.2022 SFB924 Hybrid seminar: Dr. Elwira Smakowska- Luzan, Wageningen University (NL): "The role of Cysteine-Rich Proteins in extracellular ROS perception."

Thur 24.11.2022 (17:15 h) - Hybrid seminar Dr. Elwira Smakowska- Luzan (Wageningen University, NL)The role of Cysteine-Rich Proteins in extracellular ROS perception. SFB924 Kolloquium "Molecular Mechanisms of Agronomic...[mehr]

25.11.2022 SFB924 Hybrid seminar (Special date): Dr. Martina Ried (IPB, Halle): "Inositol pyrophosphates are potential regulators of plant root endosymbioses."

Fri 25.11.2022 (9:00 h) - Hybrid seminar Dr. Martina Ried (IPB, Halle)Inositol pyrophosphates are potential regulators of plant root endosymbioses.SFB924 Kolloquium "Molecular Mechanisms of Agronomic Traits" Biocenter...[mehr]

01.12.2022 Information to Zoom seminar: Prof. Dr. Pengwei Wang, Huazhong Agricultural University (CN)

Dear all,This week Pengwei Wang from Huazhong Agricultural University will present his work in our SFB924 seminar series “Plant ER-membrane contact site and selective autophagy”. Due to the Covid-related travel restrictions in...[mehr]

01.12.2022 SFB924 Zoom seminar: Prof. Dr. Pengwei Wang, Huazhong Agricultural University (CN): "Plant ER-membrane contact site and selective autophagy."

Thur 01.12.2022 (10:00 h) - Zoom seminar Prof. Dr. Pengwei Wang (Huazhong Agricultural University, CN)Plant ER-membrane contact site and selective autophagy. SFB924 Kolloquium "Molecular Mechanisms of Agronomic...[mehr]

08.12.2022 Information to Hybrid seminar: Dr. Thomas Widiez, INRAE at ENS de Lyon (FR)

Dear all,It is my great pleasure to invite you to the SFB924 seminar this Thursday, Dec 8 at 5 pm.Speaker: Dr. Thomas Widiez (INRAE at ENS de Lyon, France):Title: Maize reproduction: Focus on pollen...[mehr]

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