07.10.2021 Zoom seminar: Prof. Dr. Daniel Hofius, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SE): "Autophagy in life and death during plant-pathogeninteractions."
Thur 07.10.2021 (17:15 h) - Zoom seminar Prof. Dr. Daniel Hofius (Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, SE) Autophagy in life and death during plant-pathogeninteractions. SFB924 Kolloquium "Molecular Mechanisms of...[mehr]
14.10.2021 Information to Zoom seminar: Prof. Dr. Virginia Walbot, Stanford University (USA)
Dear co-workers,this week´s Zoom SFB924-Seminar (Thursday, 14.10.2021, 5:15 pm) will be given by Virginia Walbot (Stanford University). Ginny works with maize. In recent years, one focus of her studies is on premeiotic anther...[mehr]
14.10.2021 Zoom seminar: Prof. Dr. Virginia Walbot, Stanford University (USA): "Fixed cell protocol for single cell RNAseq: excellent cell recovery and RNA quality."
Thur 14.10.2021 (17:15 h) - Zoom seminar Prof. Dr. Virginia Walbot (Stanford University, USA) Fixed cell protocol for single cell RNAseq: excellent cell recovery and RNA quality. SFB924 Kolloquium "Molecular...[mehr]
21.10.2021 Information to Zoom seminar: 2 PhD students present their work.
Dear all,In this week’s SFB-Seminar it is my pleasure to host two fellow PhD students, Ioanna Kakoulidou and Josef Ranner, who will present their findings. Ioanna Kakoulidou (Johannes laboratory, TUM-SoLS)Parental DNA...[mehr]
21.10.2021 Zoom seminar: 2 PhD students present their work.
Thur 21.10.2021 (17:15 h) - SFB924 Kolloquium "Molecular Mechanisms of Agronomic Traits" - Zoom seminar Ioanna Kakoulidou (TP Johannes)Parental DNA methylation states predict methylome remodeling in Arabidopsis F1...[mehr]
28.10.2021 Information to Zoom seminar: Dr. Hiromasa Shikata, National Institute for Basic Biology, Okazaki (JP)
Dear co-workers,this week´s Zoom SFB924-Seminar (Thursday, 28.10.2021, 5:15 pm) will be given by Dr. Hiromasa Shikata (National Institute for Basic Biology, Okazaki, JP). He will talk about: "Fine-tuning of growth direction...[mehr]
28.10.2021 Zoom seminar: Dr. Hiromasa Shikata, National Institute for Basic Biology, Okazaki (JP): "Fine-tuning of growth direction by dynamically distributed lipids and kinases in root hairs."
Thur 28.10.2021 (17:15 h) - Zoom seminar Dr. Hiromasa Shikata (National Institute for Basic Biology, Okazaki, JP) Fine-tuning of growth direction by dynamically distributed lipids and kinases in root hairs. SFB924 Kolloquium...[mehr]