
Our team is looking for a Ph.D. student (f/m/d) To study evolutionary aspects of plant cell biology

A Ph.D. student position is available in the group of Dr. Philipp Denninger at the Chair of Plant Systems Biology of the School of Life Sciences of the Technische Universität München in Freising-Weihenstephan. Within the...[mehr]


Our team is looking for a Ph.D. student (f/m/d) or PostDoc (f/m/d).

Our team is looking for a Ph.D. student (f/m/d) or PostDoc (f/m/d) To study amino acid transporter structure and function A Ph.D. student position (65% TVL E13) for 36 months or a PostDoc position (100% TVL E13) for 27 months is...[mehr]


Congratulations to Jan Sala on the official completion of his Ph.D. Now he can call himself a Dr. Jan Sala!

Congratulations to Jan Sala on the official completion of his Ph.D. Now he can call himself a Dr. Jan Sala! His mother accepted the certificate because Jan was traveling.[mehr]


Wir suchen eine*n Technische*n Angestellte*n (m/w/d) 50% Lehrstuhl Systembiologie der Pflanzen

Der Lehrstuhl Systembiologie der Pflanzen sucht ab dem nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt, zunächst befristet bis 31.12.2025, eine*n Technische*n Angestellte*n (m/w/d) in Teilzeit (50%; 20 Stunden/Woche). ÜBER UNS Der Lehrstuhl...[mehr]


The lab is honoured to be the host of two (!) recipients of Hans Fischer Senior Fellowships of the TUM Institute of Advanced Studies.

The lab is honoured to be the host of two (!) recipients of Hans Fischer Senior Fellowships of the TUM Institute of Advanced Studies. Olga Boudker, Professor for Physiology and Biophysics from the Weill Medical College of...[mehr]

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