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17.02.2020With a delay but even more happily, we announce here the arrival of several new lab members who joined the lab in January.

With a delay but even more happily, we announce here the arrival of several new lab members who joined the lab in January: Barbara Gelhaus as technician in the Schwechheimer lab, Andrea Lepper as PhD student in the Denninger lab,...[mehr]

06.06.2019A happy Catalunian boy:

Jan, in front of his beautifully designed GATA poster at the International Symposium on Photobiology in Barcelona. "Say “Hi” to your mama, Jan!” [mehr]

06.06.2019We are happy to see Phil’s work published today in Current Biology.

Phil will start his group at our Chair in July 2019:[mehr]

24.05.2019It’s official. We are all happy that the reviewers and the DFG have recommended our SFB924 for a third funding period. We are looking forward to the next four years in this exciting research network.

It’s official. We are all happy that the reviewers and the DFG have recommended our SFB924 for a third funding period. We are looking forward to the next four years in this exciting research network. [mehr]

03.09.2018Melina and Claus are happy to have been able to contribute to the work of their former postdoc colleague at Yale (and former Drosophilist), Anna Dobritsa from Columbus, Ohio.

Arabidopsis protein kinase D6PKL3 is involved in formation of distinct plasma-membrane aperture domains on the pollen surface. Plant Cell Byung Ha Lee, Zachary T. Weber, Melina Zourelidou, Brigitte T. Hofmeister, Robert J....[mehr]