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24.03.2021Together with Plant Physiology editors Shaul Yalovsky and Viktor Zarsky, Claus revises current developments in the control of PIN trafficking and particularly endocytosis in a Letter to the Editor of Plant Physiology.

Auxin does not inhibit endocytosis of PIN1 and PIN2 auxin efflux carriers. Plant Physiology, kiab132 Claus Schwechheimer,  Shaul Yalovsky,  Viktor Žárský  (2021)[mehr]

15.03.2021The Schwechheimer and Hammes laboratories have a new paper in collaboration with Christian Hardtke (Lausanne).

Mapping and engineering of auxin-induced plasma membrane dissociation in BRX family proteins. The Plant Cell Samuel W H Koh, Petra Marhava, Surbhi Rana, Alina Graf, Bernard Moret, Alkistis E L Bassukas, Melina Zourelidou,...[mehr]

12.01.2021PNAS published Uli Hammes collaboration with Lindy Abbas and Jiri Friml on the mode of action of the auxin transport inhibitor NPA.

Naphthylphthalamic acid associates with and inhibits PIN auxin transporters. PNAS January 5, 2021 118 (1) e2020857118. Link Lindy Abas, Martina Kolb, Johannes Stadlmann, Dorina P. Janacek, ...[mehr]

11.01.2021Frontiers in Plant Science publishes our collaboration with Victor Zarsky from Prag on the phosphoregulation of Exo70C2 in pollen tube growth.

Regulation of exocyst function in pollen tube growth by phosphorylation of exocyst subunit EXO70C2.Front. Plant Sci. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2020.609600 LinkAntonietta Saccomanno, Martin Potocký,  Premysl...[mehr]

03.09.2020New paper: Nina Lantzouni and Claus are glad for the collaboration with the George Bassel laboratory (Birmingham/Warwick) on the systems biology analysis of seed germination now published in Current Biology.

A Molecular Signal Integration Network Underpinning Arabidopsis Seed Germination. Curr. Biol. 30, 1-10, October 5, 2020 Hao Xu, Ourania Lantzouni, Tonko Bruggink, Rene Benjamins, Frank Lanfermeijer, Katherine Denby, Claus...[mehr]

16.08.2020Die Experten sind sich einig. Extrem trockene Sommer werden häufiger. Ursache: Klimawandel. Auch im Jahr 2020 wird Regen weiter ausbleiben. Gibt es Konzepte gegen den Wassermangel?

Magere JahreThüringen ist bekannt für seine fruchtbaren Böden. Doch damit etwas darauf wachsen kann, braucht es auch hier Regen. Der fehlt seit März. Die Bauern rechnen mit immensen Ernteverlusten. Auch große Betriebe mit über...[mehr]

17.02.2020We are happy to announce that Ourania (Nina) Lantzouni’s second publication is out in The Plant Cell.

GROWTH-REGULATING FACTORS interact with DELLAs and regulate growth in cold stress. In this very data-loaded study, Nina used RNAseq to understand the role of...[mehr]

17.02.2020Claus Schwechheimer talks about plant genes and genomes in the Lindenkeller in Freising.

Claus Schwechheimer talks about plant genes and genomes in the Lindenkeller in Freising. During a public lecture and in light of the advances made through next generation sequencing, Claus Schwechheimer introduces a general...[mehr]