
Cheers to Dr. Sophie Scheibenzuber for her successful graduation

Congratulations on passing the PhD examination! Since her Bachelor's Thesis, Sophie has been a vital part of our chair. With her dissertation on "LC-MS/MS based multi-mycotoxine analytics to determine the behaviour of...[more]

Global Young Scientists Summit Singapore 2023

At this year's Global Young Scientists Summit in Singapore two of our PhD students had the possibility to exchange ideas with scientists of different field, and to get to know nobel laureates and their research. The conference...[more]

Silesia-Clemens Hanke Award 2022

Two scientists of our chair honoured with research award[more]

Congratulations to Prof. Thomas Brück for winning a Green Award!

Congratulations from Singapore! Our cooperation partner Prof. Thomas Brück, Werner Siemens chair for synthetic biotechnology was honored with a green award for his algae technology. As a representative of TUM and TUMCREATE,...[more]

11.11.2022A Warm Welcome to PostDoc Oliver Watkins

We welcome PostDoc Oliver Watkins, who is working on the Proteins4Singapore project through TUMcreate. Most recently, Oliver Watkins visited our lab in Freising to promote scientific exchange between TUM and Singapore.We wish all...[more]

[Translate to english:] Wissenschaftliche Station für Brauerei

Thank you for the invitation to this year's gathering "wissenschaftliche Station für Brauerei". We are looking forward to another year of collaboration for exciting topics in beer research. At the traditional meeting in...[more]

Displaying results 19 to 24 out of 60

A new volume dealing with the analysis of vitamins has been edited by the Chair of Analytical Food Chemistry and the division  BIOANALYTIK Weihenstephan .

The book titled "Fortified Foods with Vitamins" is published by Wiley-VCH and is available online or from book sellers: ISBN-10: 352733078X