
28.01.2022Global Young Scientists Summit

In mid-January, four of our PhD students took part in the Global Young Scientists Summit, an online event about the future of technology and science. Different talks with nobel laureates and enterpreneurs gave insight into the...[more]

30.11.2021How to Bake Science – New Publication on Bread Rolls

In our latest publication from Helmholtz Center Munich we investigated oven vapor from bread rolls with untargeted FT-ICR-MS. Up to 4.700 species were detected, witnessing the Maillard reaction including the formation of...[more]

11.11.2021Prof. Dr. Philippe Schmitt-Kopplin in the Power List of The Analytical Scientist

For the second time, The Analytical Scientist lists Prof. Dr. Philippe Schmitt-Kopplin as one of the 100 most influential researches in the field of analytics. Every year, the magazine honors outstanding analysts in their...[more]

28.10.2021Honorary Professorship for Prof. Schmitt-Kopplin at Amity University

We congratulate Prof. Philippe Schmitt-Kopplin for being anounced as a honorary professor at the Amity University (Uttar Pradesh, Indien) at the Institute of Microbial Technology. We wish a fruitful academic exchange![more]

22.10.2021News from the world of vitamins

Vitamin B12 is one of the most critical vitamins because it almost only occurs in animal foods such as meat and dairy products. Accordingly, vegetarians and vegans, but due to the low physiological resorption also omnivors,...[more]

12.10.20216th International Vitamin Conference (IVC) in Copenhagen

Between 22nd and 24th of September 2021, Copenhagen hosted the sixth International Vitamin Conference (IVC). Our group was present with talks by PhD students Mengle Wang, Lisa Obermaier and Nadine Weber. Weber presented a human...[more]

Displaying results 37 to 42 out of 60

A new volume dealing with the analysis of vitamins has been edited by the Chair of Analytical Food Chemistry and the division  BIOANALYTIK Weihenstephan .

The book titled "Fortified Foods with Vitamins" is published by Wiley-VCH and is available online or from book sellers: ISBN-10: 352733078X