
Archeochemistry of a Historical Beer Sample

A historical beer, dated to the German Empire era, was recently found in Lübbecke, northern Germany. The location of the find and label reconstructions link it to a local brewery that had a contractually agreed collaboration with...[more]

11.05.2022Scientific Exchange on Folate Analytics at University of Tübingen

Two PhD students of our chair, Lisa Obermaier and Nadine Weber, went on a trip to visit the group of "Environmental Biotechnology" at the University of Tübingen for a scientific exchange on the topic of folate analysis...[more]

14.04.2022New Paper on Hop Metabolites

Our newest paper describes the synthesis of phase I and phase II metabolites of prenyl flavonoids of hops. Xanthohumol and xanthohumol metabolites are known to have several health promoting effects on humans. The synthesis of the...[more]

14.04.2022New Paper on Alternaria in Barley

Our newest paper discusses the effect of malting processes on the levels of free and modified forms of alternaria toxins in barley. Our findings show that especially ALTP and ATX I, which were not found in barley, were present in...[more]

24.02.2022Invitation to METROFOOD Webinars

Metrofood, the European infrastructure for metrology in food analytics, offers a series of intriguing online talks in March 2022. For everyone who is passionate about food chemistry, the list of talks can be found here.[more]

15.02.2022Florian Biener wins Silesia prize for bachelor thesis on in-vitro meat

It is not unusual that during covid times bachelor theses are carried out theoretically. One of the most intriguing theses comes from Florian Biener who did his bachelor thesis in our group about the topic of in-vitro meat (IVM)....[more]

Displaying results 31 to 36 out of 60

A new volume dealing with the analysis of vitamins has been edited by the Chair of Analytical Food Chemistry and the division  BIOANALYTIK Weihenstephan .

The book titled "Fortified Foods with Vitamins" is published by Wiley-VCH and is available online or from book sellers: ISBN-10: 352733078X