Persönlicher Status und Werkzeuge


21.07.2017 New paper from the Gutjahr and Parniske labs.

Lipid transfer from plants to arbuscular mycorrhiza fungi. Andreas Keymer, Priya Pimprikar, Vera Wewer, Claudia Huber, Mathias Brands, Simone L. Bucerius, Pierre-Marc Delaux, Verena Klingl , Edda von Röpenack-Lahaye, Trevor L....[more]

10.07.2017 New paper from the Vlot lab.

Monoterpenes support systemic acquired resistance within and between plants. Marlies Riedlmeier, Andrea Ghirardo, Marion Wenig, Claudia Knappe, Kerstin Koch, Elisabeth Georgii, Sanjukta Dey, Jane E. Parker, Joerg-Peter...[more]

24.05.2017 Students´ Retreat 2017, 7th - 9th of June

Hotel Bernrieder HofBogener Straße 994505 Bernried Wednesday, June 7th   8.30 Departure Bus from Freising-Train station11.00 Arrival and Check in, Welcome and Pecha Kucha12.30 Lunch13.30...[more]

06.04.2017 New paper from the Vlot and Hückelhoven labs.

Barley susceptibility factor RACB modulates transcript levels of signalling protein genes in compatible interaction with Blumeria graminis f.sp. hordei. Vera Schnepf, A. Corina Vlot, Karl Kugler, and Ralph Hückelhoven...[more]

15.03.2017 New paper from the Poppenberger lab.

Analysis of In Vitro DNA Interactions of Brassinosteroid-Controlled Transcription Factors Using Electrophoretic Mobility Shift Assay. Methods Mol Biol. Simon J. Unterholzner, Wilfried Rozhon and Brigitte Poppenberger (2017)...[more]

13.03.2017 New paper from the Ott lab.

Plant immune and growth receptors share common signalling components but localise to distinct plasma membrane nanodomains. Christoph A. Bücherl, Iris Katharina Jarsch, Christian Schudoma, Cécile Segonzac, Malick Mbengue, Silke...[more]

20.01.2017 New SBF papers: Benjamin Weller from the Schwechheimer lab and Julia Mergner from the Küster lab share the first paper of the year award. PNAS and JBC published their recent work on Tuesday. Benjamin shows in collaboration with the Hammes lab (Regensburg).

Dynamic PIN-FORMED auxin efflux carrier phosphorylation at the plasma membrane controls auxin efflux-dependent growth. PNAS Benjamin Weller, Melina Zourelidou, Lena Frank, Inês C. R. Barbosa, Astrid Fastner, Sandra Richter,...[more]

Displaying results 120 to 126 out of 156