Persönlicher Status und Werkzeuge


21.12.2016 New paper from the Schwechheimer and Hammes labs.

SHADE AVOIDANCE 4 is Required for Proper Auxin Distribution in the Hypocotyl. Yanhua Ge, Fenglian Yan, Melina Zourelidou, Meiling Wang, Karin Ljung, Astrid Fastner, Ulrich Z. Hammes, Martin di Donato, Markus Geisler, Claus...[more]

06.12.2016 The Chair for Plant Systems Biology is looking for a new Independent Group Leader in Plant Sciences.

The Chair for Plant Systems Biology (Prof. Dr. Claus Schwechheimer) at the Technical University of Munich invites applications for the position of an Independent Group Leader in Plant Sciences The successful candidate will...[more]

22.11.2016 Claus Schwechheimer is more than happy to have contributed to the work from Yanhua Ge, an SFB-funded visiting student, from Yi Tao’s lab from Xiamen University, China, published today in Plant Physiology.

Claus Schwechheimer is more than happy to have contributed to the work from Yanhua Ge, an SFB-funded visiting student, from Yi Tao’s lab from Xiamen University, China, published today in Plant Physiology: SHADE AVOIDANCE 4 is...[more]

17.10.2016 Pascal is coorganizing the Cold Spring Harbor conference on Systems Biology.[more]

11.10.2016 New paper from the Poppenberger and Mayer labs.

Brassinosteroids participate in the control of basal and acquired freezing tolerance of plant. Marina Eremina, Simon J. Unterholzner, Ajith I. Rathnayake, Marcos Castellanos, Mamoona Khana, Karl G. Kugler, Sean T. May, Klaus F....[more]

Displaying results 127 to 133 out of 156