Persönlicher Status und Werkzeuge



Remarks on the SFB924 Student’s Retreat 2014

Remarks on the SFB924 Student’s Retreat 2014

This year’s Retreat of the SFB924 Student Initiative highlighted the flourishing network of young scientists and PhD students within the SFB924. As the third Students’ Retreat the Organization team offered yet another exciting venue: This time in the Bavarian Alps at lake Spitzingsee.

The programm meant three days full of scientific talks, discussions, poster sessions… including the possibility of a presentation skill training and creativity workshop.

In the evenings our guest speakers from the U.K. and Germany and the nobel prize laureate Prof. Dr. Huber joined us for a beer at the camp fire and took part in interesting conversations about Chinese cigarettes and plant GMOs.

With 30 attendees, we topped the number of participating members! The Student Initiative is now an active and stable part of the SFB924 and it’s very welcomed by all PhD students as a platform for networking and scientific exchange.