SFB924 Progress Report Seminar - nicht öffentlich!
Wed 05.04.2017
Universität Regensburg
Am Biopark (früher: Josef-Engert-Straße)
Biologie Neubau (Raum H 53)
13:00 h - 14:00 h Buffet
14:00 h - 15:00 h Project Leader Meeting im Seminarraum DE 1.113
14:00 h - 16:00 h Meeting of the "Studenteninitiative" (H 53)
10:00 h Liang-zi Zhou (Dresselhaus lab)
“Update about the multiple roles of CRPs during reproduction and defence responses in maize.“
10:25 h Philipp Bellon ( Parniske lab)
„Multiple CYCLOPS phosphorylation-sites control its transcriptional activation capacity.“
10:50 h Daniel Lang ( Mayer lab)
„Building a phylogenomics framework to study the evolution of complex traits.“
11:15 h - 11:45 h Coffee Break
11:45 h Thomas Ott ( Ott lab)
„Molecular scaffolding at the plasma membrane.“
12:10 h Miriam Lenk ( Vlot-Schuster lab)
„Protoplast-based optimization of CRISPR-Cas9 constructs for mutagenesis of barley.“
12:35 h Karin Vogel ( Isono lab)
„Identification of ubiquitinated cargo proteins in the intracellular trafficking pathway."