Persönlicher Status und Werkzeuge



Information to Zoom seminar: Dr. Thomas Stanislas (Universität Tübingen, DE)

Dear all,
Our SFB-Seminar this week will be given by Dr. Thomas Stanislas (ZMBP, University of Tübingen), tomorrow at 17:15.
He will talk about "How signaling lipids at the plasma membrane tune morphogenesis at the tissues and cell level.

Thomas investigates mechano-perception and lipid signaling at the plasma membrane and their effect on morphogenesis. He also developed some microfluidic devices for imaging single cells.

Thomas is available before the Seminar for individual discussions. If you are interested to talk to him, please let me know and I will arrange it.
Additionally, there will be the possibility to discuss with all interested people after the Seminar.

All the best and see you tomorrow,
SFB924-Seminar Dr. Thomas Stanislas 17:15

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Passcode: 685632