Persönlicher Status und Werkzeuge



Colloquium (Sondertermin): Prof. Dr. Doris Rentsch, University of Bern (CH), "Peptide transporters in Arabidopsis: Role in intra- and intercellular transport of organic nitrogen."

Thur 21.03.2013 (17:00 h) - Please note special place!

Prof. Dr. Doris Rentsch (University of Bern, CH)

Peptide transporters in Arabidopsis: Role in intra- and intercellular transport of organic nitrogen.

SFB924 Kolloquium "Molecular Mechanisms of Agronomic Traits"

Universität Regensburg, Josef-Engert-Straße, Regensburg

BIO 5.2.38

(Host: Ulrich Hammes, UR)