Persönlicher Status und Werkzeuge



Information to Zoom seminar Prof. Dr. Daniel Croll (University of Neuchâtel, CH)

Dear all,
Thursday 22.10. at the usual time (17:15), I would like to invite you to attend a Zoom seminar by Prof. Daniel Croll (University of Neuchâtel (CH)).

He will take us on a journey into fungal genetic diversity and evolution in his talk entitled: "Drivers and brakes on plant pathogen emergence"

Daniel wants to understand how pathogenic fungi evolve to cause disease on plants. For this, in his lab, they analyze populations of major crop pathogens and identify how host resistance mechanisms were circumvented, what processes are governing rapid adaptation and how the structure of the pathogen genome can influence the trajectory of individual genes. In his lab, they combine field work with experiments in the lab and (a lot) of genome-scale analyses.

Unfortunately the in person visit of Daniel had to be cancelled, because Neuchâtel is now a RKI high risk area. However, Daniel has offered to meet with those who are interested in discussing their work with him through Zoom as well. He will be available for thus Thursday afternoon and Friday morning. Please send me an email if you are interested.

To join the Zoom Meeting use:
Meeting ID: 996 4619 5476
Passcode: 563074

Cheers, Remco