Persönlicher Status und Werkzeuge



Excursion to Südstärke, Schrobenhausen, Friday, October 21, 2022

Dear all,
Please find below some information regarding our visit to Südstärke, Friday, October 21, 2022.

10:15 h Departure by bus (Grüner) from Gregor-Mendel-Straße, in front of the Internationales Getränkewissenschaftliches Zentrum (iGWZ)

11:30 h Lunch at Gasthof Stief Schrobenhausen with Dr. Dick, Head of Südstärke 

12:45 h Transfer to Südstärke

13:00 – 15:00 h Guided Tour of Südstärke with Dr. Dick, Head of Südstärke

15:00 h Return to Freising; expected arrival ca. 16:00 h

Please bring solid footwear and appropriate clothing depending on the weather, since much of the visit will be outside.

Please notify Petra Wick, unless you have not already done so, if you do not want to come with us in the bus.

See you then,
Claus Schwechheimer