Persönlicher Status und Werkzeuge



Colloquium: Prof. Dr. Sigal Salvadi-Goldstein, Israel Institute of Technology Haifa (IL): "Tuning root growth with brassinosteroids: a matter of cell-type and environment."

Thur 22.09.2016 (17.15 h)

Prof. Dr. Sigal Salvadi-Goldstein (Israel Institute of Technology Haifa, IL)

Tuning root growth with brassinosteroids: a matter of cell-type and environment.

SFB924 Kolloquium "Molecular Mechanisms of Agronomic Traits"

HS12, Emil-Ramann-Straße 2, TUM-WZW, Freising

(Host: Brigitte Poppenberger-Sieberer, TUM-WZW)