Persönlicher Status und Werkzeuge



Information to Zoom-seminar: Prof. Dr. Thorsten Hamann, Norwegian University (NO)

Dear all,
this coming Thursday (March 4th, 5:15 PM) the SFB924 Seminar will be given by Thorsten Hamann from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU).

He will speak about „Cell wall integrity signaling - how to maintain functionality when faced with stress“. Thorsten is one of the leaders in the field who has performed pioneering work to provide insight into the plant’s response to cell wall damage.

With best wishes, Kay

Kay Schneitz invites you to a Zoom-Meeting.
Topic: SFB924 - Zoom Talk Thorsten Hamann
Time: 4.März.2021 05:00 PM Amsterdam, Berlin, Rom, Stockholm, Wien
Link to join the Zoom-Meeting:
Meeting-ID: 625 9604 8779
Passcode: 092876