Persönlicher Status und Werkzeuge



Colloquium: Dr. Eric Giraud, Institute of Research for Development, Marseille (FR): "Rhizobium/legume symbioses in the absence of Nod factors: Different possible scenario with and without the type 3 secretion system."

Fri 28.04.2017 (10:00 h)

Dr. Eric Giraud (Institute of Research for Development, Marseille, FR)

Rhizobium/legume symbioses in the absence of Nod factors: Different possible scenario with and without the type 3 secretion system.

SFB924 Kolloquium "Molecular Mechanisms of Agronomic Traits"

LMU Biozentrum, Großhaderner Straße 2, Martinsried

Hörsaal G00.001

(Host: Martin Parniske, LMU)