Persönlicher Status und Werkzeuge



SFB924 Progress Report Seminar - nicht öffentlich!

SFB 924 Seminar - nicht öffentlich!
Helmholtz Zentrum München
85764 Neuherberg
Auditorium, Hertwigstraße, Gebäude 23

11:15 h – 11:45 h Coffee break

13:00 h – 14:00 h Lunch Mensa

Meeting project leaders - Seminarraum, Gebäude 22, Raum 104

Meeting Young Investigator Initiative, Auditorium, Gebäude 23

10:00 h Alexandre Magalhães (Schwechheimer lab)
„A DELLA- and gibberellin-regulated co-expression framework for abiotic stress responses in plants.“

10:25 h Isabell-Christin Fiedler (Van der Linde lab)
„Small secreted proteins in flower development and pathogenicity.“

10:50 h Jennifer Sales (Vlot-Schuster lab)
„LEGUME LECTIN-LIKE PROTEINs on the interface between systemic immunity and abiotic stress tolerance.“

11:45 h Dr. Philipp Denninger (Introduction: Thomas Dresselhaus)
„Regulation of cell polarity and cell-to-cell communication by protein kinases and RhoGTPases during double fertilization.

12:10 h Casandra Herfanden-Reyes (Ott lab)
„The RIR1/RIR2 receptor complex.“

12:35 h Jan Röder (Grill Lab)
„Rebuilding core abscisic acid signaling pathways of Arabidopsis in yeast.“