Persönlicher Status und Werkzeuge



SFB924 Progress Report Seminar - nicht öffentlich!

Wed 20.04.2016

Universität Regensburg
Am Biopark (früher: Josef-Engert-Straße)
Biologie Neubau (Raum H 52)

13:00 h - 14:00 h Buffet

14:00 h - 15:00 h Project Leader Meeting im Seminarraum DE 0.133

14:00 h - 16:00 h Meeting of the "Studenteninitiative" (H 52)


10:00 h Priya Pimprikar (Lab Gutjahr)

“A CCaMK-CYCLOPS-DELLA complex activates transcription of RAM1 to regulate arbuscule branching.“


10:25 h Alexandre Magalhães (Lab Schwechheimer)

„Unraveling gibberellin-dependent stress signaling: a cross-species transcriptomics approach.“


10:50 h Tina Reiner (Lab Hückelhoven)

„Posttranslational regulation of ROP signalling in the interaction ofbarley and barley powdery mildew.“


11:15 h - 11:45 h Coffee Break


11:45 h Tanja Ibrom (Lab Poppenberger) 

„Towards the functional characterisation of a CESTA orthologue of tomato.“


12:10 h Marlis Bichlmeier (Lab Vlot-Schuster)

„Monoterpenes influence systemic acquired resistance in Arabidopsis.“


12:35 h Ulrich Lutz (Lab Schwechheimer)

„New resource: 145 KASP SNP-marker assays to study A. thaliana genetics."