Persönlicher Status und Werkzeuge



SFB924 Progress Report Seminar - nicht öffentlich!

SFB 924 Seminar
Helmholtz Zentrum München
85764 Neuherberg
Gebäude 33/ISS, Großer Hörsaal
Eingang Rajewski Platz Break

13:00 h – 14:00 h Buffet in the foyer

anschließend Meeting of the „Studenteninitiative“, Gebäude 33, Großer Hörsaal

14:00 – 16:00 h - Project leader meeting, Seminarraum, Gebäude 22, Raum 104

10:00 h - PD Dr. Farhah Assaad (Botany, TUM)
„The TRAPPII tethering complex: signal integration and growth regulation.“

10:20 h - Dr. Remco Stam (Phytopathology, TUM)
„The molecular evolution of pathogen resistance in Solanum chilense.“

10:40 h - Dr. Karina van der Linde (University of Stanford/Regenburg University)
„Homer's myth of the Trojan horse meets small proteins in Zea mays anther development.“

11:00 h - Dr. Stefanie Nunes Rosa (Potsdam University/Plant Systems Biology, TUM)
„Spatial regulation of chromatin during developmental and stress responses.“

--- 11:20 h – 11:50 h Coffee break ----

11:50 h - Dr. Arne Weiberg (Genetics, LMU)
„Pathogen small RNAs as host immune suppressors.“

12:10 h - Dr. Corinna Dawid (Food Chemistry and Molecular Sensory Science, TUM)
„Fungi-induced metabolome aliteration in Hordeum vulgare and Lotus japonicus.“

12:30 h - Dr. Markus Schwarzländer (University of Bonn)
„ATP dynamics in seed germination and plant growth - regulation and engineering.“

12:50 h - Dr. Claude Becker (GMI Vienna/AU)
„Genetics and genomics of biochemical plant-plant interaction.“