Persönlicher Status und Werkzeuge


09.07.2020 Information to Zoom-Seminar PD Dr. Ulrich Hammes TP A08

Hello everyone Please join me for the online seminar of the SFB924 at 5:15 I will be talking about another project that we are pursuing in the lab. I will tell you what we learned about the transport mechanism of PIN auxin...[more]

09.07.2020 Zoom seminar TP A08: PD Dr. Ulrich Hammes, TUM-Weihenstephan, Lehrstuhl für Systembiologie der Pflanzen (DE): "It takes two to tango. Transport properties of PIN-formed proteins."

Thur 09.07.2020 (17:15 h) -  Zoom seminar/webinar PD Dr. Ulrich Hammes (TUM-Weihenstephan, Lehrstuhl für Systembiologie der Pflanzen, DE) It takes two to tango. Transport properties of PIN-formed proteins. TP A08 - SFB924...[more]

16.07.2020 Information to Zoom-Seminar Prof. Dr. Martin Parniske TP B11

Hello everyone! Please join me for the online seminar of the SFB924 at 5:15. "CYCLOPS, single-eyed monster or benefactor for...[more]

16.07.2020 Zoom seminar TP B11: Prof. Dr. Martin Parniske, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Lehrstuhl für Genetik (DE): "Cyclops, single-eyed monster or benefactor for humankind?"

Thur 16.07.2020 (17:15 h) -  Zoom seminar/webinar Prof. Dr. Martin Parniske (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Lehrstuhl für Genetik, DE) Cyclops, single-eyed monster or benefactor for humankind? TP B11 - SFB924...[more]

23.07.2020 Information to Zoom-Seminar Prof. Dr. Kay Schneitz TP A02

Dear all,today at 5:15 PM it is my turn to talk about some of the research that goes on in our lab. 958 7236 4206Kenncode: 192964 With kind regards, Kay[more]

23.07.2020 Zoom seminar TP A02: Prof. Dr. Kay Schneitz, TUM-Weihenstephan, Professur Entwicklungsbiologie der Pflanzen (DE): "Computational plant morphodynamics: Digital ovules and cellular growth patterns shaping the Arabidopsis ovule."

Thur 23.07.2020 (17:15 h) -  Zoom seminar/webinar Prof. Dr. Kay Schneitz (TUM-Weihenstephan, Professur Entwicklungsbiologie der Pflanzen, DE) Computational plant morphodynamics: Digital ovules and cellular growth patterns...[more]

30.07.2020 Information to Zoom-Seminar Prof. Dr. Silke Robatzek TPB15

Dear all,today at 1 PM it is my pleasure to share our recent research with you. I will present our SFB924 project on extracellular vesicles. You might be interested to learn about Nanoparticle Tracking Analysis (NTA),...[more]

Displaying results 442 to 448 out of 651