Persönlicher Status und Werkzeuge


04.02.2021 Zoom seminar: Dr. Benjamin Wittkop, Universität Gießen (DE): "Bridging the protein gap with plant breeding."

Thur 04.02.2021 (17:15 h) - Zoom seminarDr. Benjamin Wittkop (Universität Gießen, DE)Bridging the protein gap with plant breeding. SFB924 Kolloquium "Molecular Mechanisms of Agronomic Traits" (Host: Prof. Dr. Corinna...[more]

11.02.2021 Information to Zoom seminar: Prof. Dr. Joop EM Vermeer, University of Neuchâtel (CH)

Hi everyone, Thursday the SFB924 Seminar will be given by Joop Vermeer who will tell us about lateral root development. Please distribute the Zoom Link among your groups, the PhD students or guests interested in the topic. See...[more]

11.02.2021 Zoom seminar: Prof. Dr. Joop EM Vermeer, University of Neuchâtel (CH): "Lateral root formation: from waxes to microtubules."

Thur 11.02.2021 (17:15 h) - Zoom seminar Prof. Dr. Joop EM Vermeer (University of Neuchâtel, CH) Lateral root formation: from waxes to microtubules. SFB924 Kolloquium "Molecular Mechanisms of Agronomic...[more]

18.02.2021 Information to Zoom seminar: 3 PhD students present their work.

Thur 18.02.2021 (17.15 h) - SFB924 Kolloquium "Molecular Mechanisms of Agronomic Traits" - Zoom seminar Lina Muñoz Hoyos (TP Stam)Comparative metabolomic profiling of Solanum lycopersicum to elucidate...[more]

18.02.2021 Zoom seminar: 3 PhD students present their work.

Thur 18.02.2021 (17.15 h) - SFB924 Kolloquium "Molecular Mechanisms of Agronomic Traits" - Zoom seminar Lina Muñoz Hoyos (TP Stam)Comparative metabolomic profiling of Solanum lycopersicum to elucidate...[more]

04.03.2021 Information to Zoom-seminar: Prof. Dr. Thorsten Hamann, Norwegian University (NO)

Dear all,this coming Thursday (March 4th, 5:15 PM) the SFB924 Seminar will be given by Thorsten Hamann from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU). He will speak about „Cell wall integrity signaling - how...[more]

04.03.2021 Zoom seminar: Prof. Dr. Thorsten Hamann, Norwegian University (NO): "Plant cell wall integrity signaling - how to maintain functionality when faced with stress."

Thur 04.03.2021 (17.15 h) - Zoom seminar Prof. Dr. Thorsten Hamann (Norwegian University, NO) Plant cell wall integrity signaling - how to maintain functionality when faced with stress. SFB924 Kolloquium "Molecular...[more]

Displaying results 484 to 490 out of 651