Persönlicher Status und Werkzeuge


11.04.2019 SFB924 Colloquium: Dr. Benoît Lacombe (INRA Montpellier (FR): "Protein and gene regulatory networks involved in hormone-dependent nutrient sensing."

Thur 11.04.2019 (17:15 h) - Please note the other room! Dr. Benoît Lacombe (INRA Montpellier, FR) Protein and gene regulatory networks involved in hormone-dependent nutrient sensing. SFB924 Kolloquium "Molecular...[more]

25.04.2019 SFB924 Colloquium: Prof. Dr. Jurriaan Ton, University of Sheffield (UK): "Primed plants do not forget - a study into the epigenetic basis of plant immunity."

Thur 25.04.2019 (17.15 h)  Prof. Dr. Jurriaan Ton (University of Sheffield, UK) Primed plants do not forget - a study into the epigenetic basis of plant immunity. SFB924 Kolloquium "Molecular Mechanisms of Agronomic...[more]

16.05.2019 SFB924 Colloquium: Prof. Dr. Ekkehard Neuhaus, Technische Universität Kaiserslautern (DE): "Impact of sugar homeostasis on plant development and stress tolerance."

Thur 16.05.2019 (17.15 h)  Prof. Dr. Ekkehard Neuhaus (Technische Universität Kaiserslautern, DE) Impact of sugar homeostasis on plant development and stress tolerance. SFB924 Kolloquium "Molecular Mechanisms of...[more]

23.05.2019 SFB924 Colloquium: Prof. Dr. Melinka Alonso Butenko, University of Oslo (NO): "The IDA peptide modulates cell separation and immunity in Arabidopsis."

Thur 23.05.2019 (11.00 h)  Prof. Dr. Melinka Alonso Butenko (University of Oslo, NO) The IDA peptide modulates cell separation and immunity in Arabidopsis. SFB924 Kolloquium "Molecular Mechanisms of Agronomic...[more]

23.05.2019 SFB924 Colloquium: Dr. Martin Potocký, Institute of Experimental Botany CAS (CZ): "A well oiled machine: the role of anionic phospholipids in plant membrane traffic."

Thur 23.05.2019 (17:15 h)  Dr. Martin Potocký (Institute of Experimental Botany CAS, CZ) A well oiled machine: the role of anionic phospholipids in plant membrane traffic. SFB924 Kolloquium "Molecular Mechanisms of...[more]

06.06.2019 SFB924 Colloquium: Prof. Dr. Stanislav Kopriva, Universität zu Köln (DE): "Natural variation in nutrient homeostasis in Arabidopsis and beyond."

Thur 06.06.2019 (17.15 h)  Prof. Dr. Stanislav Kopriva (Universität zu Köln, DE) Natural variation in nutrient homeostasis in Arabidopsis and beyond. SFB924 Kolloquium "Molecular Mechanisms of Agronomic...[more]

13.06.2019 Canceled: SFB924 Colloquium: Dr. Josch Konstantin Pauling, Center Digitisation.Bavaria (ZD.B) (DE): "Automated lipidome analysis from fragment spectra enabling high-throughput applications."

Canceled: Thur 13.06.2019 (17.15 h)  Dr. Josch Konstantin Pauling (Center Digitisation.Bavaria (ZD.B), DE) Automated lipidome analysis from fragment spectra enabling high-throughput applications. SFB924 Kolloquium...[more]

Displaying results 400 to 406 out of 651