Persönlicher Status und Werkzeuge


27.06.2014 eLife publishes the study of Melina Zourelidou from the laboratory of C. Schwechheimer (TUM-WZW) and Birgit Absmanner from the laboratory of U. Hammes (Regensburg), where they demonstrate for the first time the direct activation of PINs by D6PK and PINOID.

Auxin efflux by PIN-FORMED proteins is activated by two different protein kinases, D6 PROTEIN KINASE and PINOID. Melina Zourelidou, Birgit Absmanner, Benjamin Weller, Inês CR Barbosa, Björn C Willige, Astrid Fastner, Verena...[more]

03.07.2014 Colloquium: Dr. Yoselin Benitez-Alfonso, University of Leeds (UK), "The regulation of symplastic intercellular communication and root architecture in Arabidopsis."

Thur 03.07.14 (17.15 h) Dr. Yoselin Benitez-Alfonso (University of Leeds, UK) The regulation of symplastic intercellular communication and root architecture in Arabidopsis. SFB924 Kolloquium "Molecular Mechanisms of...[more]

10.07.2014 CANCELED: Colloquium: Dr. Ronald Pierik, Utrecht University (NL), "Integrating light signal dynamics in dense stands; a mechanism to evaluate competitive threat of neighbors."

Canceled - Thur 10.07.2014 (17.15 h)  Dr. Ronald Pierik (Utrecht University, NL) Integrating light signal dynamics in dense stands; a mechanism to evaluate competitive threat of neighbors. SFB924 Kolloquium...[more]

11.07.2014 SFB924 TP Leiter(innen) Treffen - nicht öffentlich!

Wed 23.07.2014 SFB924 TP Leiter(innen) Treffen - nicht öffentlich! Wissenschaftszentrum WeihenstephanAlte Akademie 1Asamsaal 10:00 - 15:00 Uhr [more]

17.07.2014 New paper from Schwab and Vlot labs.

Arabidopsis ENHANCED DISEASE SUSCEPTIBILITY1 promotes systemic acquired resistance via azelaic acid and its precursor 9-oxo nonanoic acid. Journal of Experimental Botany in press. Finni Wittek, Thomas Hoffmann, Basem Kanawati,...[more]

17.07.2014 Colloquium: Prof. Dr. Reinhard Töpfer, Julius Kühn-Institut Siebeldingen (D), "Grapevine genomics and breeding for resistance."

Thur 17.07.2014 (17.15 h)  Prof. Dr. Reinhard Töpfer (Julius Kühn-Institut Siebeldingen, D) Grapevine genomics and breeding for resistance. SFB924 Kolloquium "Molecular Mechanisms of Agronomic Traits" HS12,...[more]

22.07.2014 New papers from the Mayer lab.

A chromosome-based draft sequence of the hexaploid bread wheat (Triticum aestivum) genome. The International Wheat Genome Sequencing Consortium (IWGSC), Corresponding author: K. X. Mayer An ordered draft sequence of the...[more]

Displaying results 155 to 161 out of 651