Persönlicher Status und Werkzeuge


24.07.2013 Petra Wick receives the TUM-WZW award for communication.

The SFB924 congratulates Petra to this price which is awarded annually by the TUM-WZW campus to staff members that have helped to improve the communication between the different departments of the campus and/or other...[more]

24.07.2013 PNAS publishes new paper on the GNÜLLER GATA transcription factors and their regulation by ARF2 and gibberellin. Congratulations to René, Carina and Melina.

Convergence of auxin and gibberellin signaling on the regulation of the GATA transcription factors GNC and GNL in Arabidopsis thalianaRené Richter, Carina Behringer, Melina Zourelidou and Claus SchwechheimerDepartment of Plant...[more]

07.08.2013 Ulrich Hammes and A. Corina Vlot-Schuster contribute to the new paper from the Schwechheimer lab in Plant Physiology.

The MD-2-related lipid recognition domain protein ML3 is a NEDD8- and ubiquitin-modified protein.Hakenjos JP, Bejai S Swedish Un, Ranftl Q, Behringer C, Vlot AC, Absmanner B, Hammes U, Heinzlmeir S, Kuster B, Schwechheimer...[more]

05.09.2013 New papers from the Isono, Hückelhoven and Schwechheimer labs

Co-immunoprecipitation-based identification of putative BAX INHIBITOR-1-interacting proteins involved in cell death regulation and plant - powdery mildew interactions.Corina Weis, Sebastian Pfeilmeier, Erich Glawischnig, Erika...[more]

18.09.2013 Conference of the SFB924 "Plant Biology of the Next Generation."

September 18 - 20, 2013 Conference of the SFB924 "Plant Biology of the Next Generation." Technische Universität München-Weihenstephan Vorträge im HS 12 (Emil-Ramann-Straße 2) Poster im Foyer der Biowissenschaften...[more]

24.09.2013 New papers from the Schwab lab.

The Strawberry Pathogenesis-Related 10 (PR-10) Fra a proteins control flavonoid biosynthesis by binding to metabolic intermediates. Ana Casanal, Ulrich Zander, Cristina Munoz, Florine Dupeux, Irene Luque, Miguel Angel Botella,...[more]

10.10.2013 New papers from the Dresselhaus, Ott and Parniske labs.

External application of gametophyte-specific ZmPMEI1 induces pollen tube burst in maize. Mayada Woriedh, Sebastian Wolf, Mihaela L. Márton, Axel Hinze, Manfred Gahrtz, Dirk Becker and Thomas Dresselhaus Plant Reproduction...[more]

Displaying results 92 to 98 out of 651