Persönlicher Status und Werkzeuge


20.02.2020 SFB924 Colloquium: Dr. Matyas Fendrych, Charles University, Prague (CZ): "Root gravitropism: a chain of unresolved events."

Thur 20.02.2020 (14:00 h) Dr. Matyas Fendrych (Charles University, Prague, CZ) Root gravitropism: a chain of unresolved events. SFB924 Kolloquium "Molecular Mechanisms of Agronomic Traits" Universität...[more]

05.03.2020 SFB924 Colloquium: Prof. Dr. Clara Sánchez-Rodríguez, ETH Zürich (CH): "Cell Walls: structural support, protection and signaling for plant survival."

Thur 05.03.2020 (17:15 h) Prof. Dr. Clara Sánchez-Rodríguez (ETH Zürich, CH) Cell walls: structural support, protection and signaling for plant survival. SFB924 Kolloquium "Molecular Mechanisms of Agronomic...[more]

12.03.2020 Webconference: SFB924 Colloquium: Dr. Korbinian Schneeberger (Max-Planck-Institut für Pflanzenzüchtungsforschung, Köln, DE): "Single-cell sequencing of gamete genomes to support genetic and genomic studies."

Thur 12.03.2020 (17:15 h) - Webconference - Dr. Korbinian Schneeberger (Max-Planck-Institut für Pflanzenzüchtungsforschung, Köln, DE) Single-cell sequencing of gamete genomes to...[more]

19.03.2020 Canceled: SFB924 Colloquium: Dr. Steven H. Spoel, University of Edinburgh (UK): "Transcriptional reprogramming by dynamic substrate ubiquitination."

Thur 19.03.2020 (17:15 h) - canceled Dr. Steven H. Spoel (University of Edinburgh, UK) Transcriptional reprogramming by dynamic substrate ubiquitination. SFB924 Kolloquium "Molecular Mechanisms of Agronomic...[more]

25.06.2020 Zoom seminar TP B13: Dr. Remco Stam, TUM-Weihenstephan, Lehrstuhl für Phytopathologie (DE): "Molecular evolution of pathogen defence in wild tomato species."

Thur 25.06.2020 (17:15 h) -  Zoom seminar/webinar Dr. Remco Stam (TUM-Weihenstephan, Lehrstuhl für Phytopathologie, DE) Molecular evolution of pathogen defence in wild tomato species. TP B13 - SFB924 Kolloquium...[more]

02.07.2020 Information to Zoom-Seminar Dr. Arne Weiberg TP B14

Hi there,Please, join me for the online seminar of SFB924 PIs at 5:15 pm.My talk will be about "Retrotransposons as fungal virulence factors".Here is the link to...[more]

02.07.2020 Zoom seminar TP B14: Dr. Arne Weiberg, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Lehrstuhl für Genetik (DE): "Retrotransposons as fungal virulence factors."

Thur 02.07.2020 (17:15 h) -  Zoom seminar/webinar Dr. Arne Weiberg (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Lehrstuhl für Genetik, DE) Retrotransposons as fungal virulence factors. TP B14 - SFB924 Kolloquium...[more]

Displaying results 435 to 441 out of 651