Persönlicher Status und Werkzeuge


13.11.2014 New papers from Vlot and Schwab labs.

Folic acid induces salicylic acid-dependent immunity in Arabidopsis and enhances susceptibility to Alternaria brassicicola. Mol. Plant Pathol. Fini Wittek, Basem Kanawati, Marion Wenig, Thomas Hoffmann Katrin Franz-Oberdorf,...[more]

19.11.2014 Colloquium (Sondertermin): Prof. Dr. Peter M. Gresshoff, University of Queensland, Brisbane (AUS): "Molecular genetic analysis of sustainable biodiesel from the legume tree Pongamia."

Wed 19.11.2014 (13.00 h) - Please note special time and place! Prof. Dr. Peter M. Gresshoff (University of Queensland, Brisbane, AUS) Molecular genetic analysis of sustainable biodiesel from the legume tree...[more]

20.11.2014 Colloquium: Dr. Elena Petutschnig, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen (D), "A novel Arabidopsis CERK1 mutant with enhanced pathogen-induced cell death and altered receptor processing."

Thur 20.11.2014 (17.15 h) Dr. Elena Petutschnig (Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, D) A novel Arabidopsis CERK1 mutant with enhanced pathogen-induced cell death and altered receptor processing. SFB924 Kolloquium...[more]

20.11.2014 Colloquium (Sondertermin): Prof. Dr. Peter M. Gresshoff, University of Queensland, Brisbane (AUS), "Local and systemic CLE peptide regulation of root nodule formation in legumes."

Thur 20.11.2014 (14.00 h) - Please note special time and place! Prof. Dr. Peter M. Gresshoff (University of Queensland, Brisbane, AUS) Local and systemic CLE peptide regulation of root nodule formation in...[more]

27.11.2014 Colloquium: Dr. Patrick Schweizer, IPK Gatersleben ( D), "Race-nonspecific resistance of barley to powdery mildew: One trait – many genes."

Thur 27.11.2014 (17.15 h)  Dr. Patrick Schweizer (IPK Gatersleben, D) Race-nonspecific resistance of barley to powdery mildew: One trait – many genes. SFB924 Kolloquium "Molecular Mechanisms of Agronomic Traits"...[more]

04.12.2014 Colloquium: Dr. Richard S. Smith, MPI für Pflanzenzüchtungsforschung Köln (D), "The mechanics of explosive seed dispersal in Cardamine hirsuta."

Thur 04.12.2014 (17.15 h) Dr. Richard S. Smith (MPI für Pflanzenzüchtungsforschung Köln, D) The mechanics of explosive seed dispersal in Cardamine hirsuta. SFB924 Kolloquium "Molecular Mechanisms of Agronomic...[more]

11.12.2014 Colloquium: Dr. Stefanie Ranf, Technische Universität München – Weihenstephan (D), "An S-domain receptor-like kinase mediates perception of lipopolysaccharides in Arabidopsis thaliana."

Thur 11.12.2014 (14.00 h) - Please note special time and place! Dr. Stefanie Ranf (Technische Universität München – Weihenstephan, D) An S-domain receptor-like kinase mediates perception of lipopolysaccharides in...[more]

Displaying results 183 to 189 out of 651