Persönlicher Status und Werkzeuge


05.10.2020 Information to Zoom seminar Dr. Laurens Pauwels (VIB-UGent Centre for Plant Systems Biology, BE)

Dear all,It is my pleasure to invite you to this week's Thursday SFB924 Webinar, which will take place online on 08.10.2020 at 17:15h! Our guest will be Dr. Laurens Pauwels from VIB-UGent...[more]

08.10.2020 Zoom seminar: Dr. Laurens Pauwels, VIB-UGent Centre for Plant Systems Biology (BE): "Improving maize transformation for gene editing."

Thur 08.10.2020 (17:15 h) -  Zoom seminar Dr. Laurens Pauwels (VIB-UGent Centre for Plant Systems Biology, BE) Improving maize transformation for gene editing. SFB924 Kolloquium "Molecular Mechanisms of Agronomic...[more]

14.10.2020 Information to Zoom seminar Dr. Anja Schmidt (Universität Heidelberg, COS)

Dear All,this Friday (Oct. 16) at 2:00 PM it is my please to host a Zoom seminar of Dr. Anja Schmidt (COS Heidelberg). Anja will speak about "RNA helices as regulators of sexual and asexual plant...[more]

16.10.2020 Zoom seminar: Dr. Anja Schmidt, COS, University of Heidelberg (DE): "RNA helicases as regulators of sexual and asexual plant reproduction through seeds."

Fri 16.10.2020 (14:00 h) - Zoom seminar Dr. Anja Schmidt (Universität Heidelberg (COS), DE) RNA helicases as regulators of sexual and asexual plant reproduction through seeds. SFB924 Kolloquium "Molecular Mechanisms...[more]

20.10.2020 Information to Zoom seminar Prof. Dr. Daniel Croll (University of Neuchâtel, CH)

Dear all,Thursday 22.10. at the usual time (17:15), I would like to invite you to attend a Zoom seminar by Prof. Daniel Croll (University of Neuchâtel (CH)). He will take us on a journey into fungal genetic diversity...[more]

22.10.2020 SFB924 Colloquium: Prof. Dr. Daniel Croll, University of Neuchâtel (CH): "Drivers and brakes on plant pathogen emergence."

Thur 22.10.2020 (17:15 h) - Zoom seminar Prof. Dr. Daniel Croll (University of Neuchâtel, CH) Drivers and brakes on plant pathogen emergence. SFB924 Kolloquium "Molecular Mechanisms of Agronomic Traits"(Host: Remco...[more]

28.10.2020 Information to Zoom seminar Prof. Dr. Ruairidh Sawers (PennState University, USA)

Dear SFB colleagues, it is my pleasure to send around the Zoom invitation for our next SFB924 seminar on Thursday 29th October 2020, at 17.15h. Our speaker will be Ruairidh Sawers from Penn State University, USA. Ruairidh is...[more]

Displaying results 456 to 462 out of 651