Persönlicher Status und Werkzeuge


15.05.2014 Colloquium: Dr. Robin K. Cameron, McMaster University Hamilton (CAN), "Systemic Acquired Resistance and Age-Related Resistance: a tale of two priming pathways."

Thur 15.05.14 (17.15 h)  Dr. Robin K. Cameron (McMaster University Hamilton, CAN) Systemic Acquired Resistance and Age-Related Resistance: a tale of two priming pathways. SFB924 Kolloquium "Molecular Mechanisms of...[more]

22.05.2014 Colloquium: Prof. Rishikesh Bhalerao, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SE), "Polycomb and Abscissic acid mediate in photoperiodic control of bud dormancy."

Thur 22.05.14 (17.15 h)  Prof. Rishikesh Bhalerao (Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, SE) Polycomb and Abscissic acid mediate in photoperiodic control of bud dormancy. SFB924 Kolloquium "Molecular...[more]

26.05.2014 New papers from the Isono and Gutjahr labs.

Polarization of IRON-REGULATED TRANSPORTER 1 (IRT1) to the plant-soil interface plays crucial role in metal homeostasis. Marie Barberon, Guillaume Dubeaux, Cornelia Kolb, Erika Isono, Enric Zelazny and Grégory Vert...[more]

05.06.2014 Colloquium: Dr. Laurent Laplaze, Institute of Research for Development Montpellier (F), "Role of phytohormones in actinorhizal symbioses formation."

Thur 05.06.14 (17.15 h) - Please note special place! Dr. Laurent Laplaze (Institute of Research for Development Montpellier, F) Role of phytohormones in actinorhizal symbioses formation. SFB924 Kolloquium "Molecular...[more]

12.06.2014 Canceled: Colloquium: Dr. Patrick Schweizer, IPK Gatersleben (D), "Race-nonspecific resistance of barley to powdery mildew: One trait – many genes."

Thur 12.06.14 (17.15 h)  Dr. Patrick Schweizer (IPK Gatersleben, D) Race-nonspecific resistance of barley to powdery mildew: One trait – many genes. SFB924 Kolloquium "Molecular Mechanisms of Agronomic Traits"...[more]

26.06.2014 Colloquium: Dr. Caroline Gutjahr, LMU München (D), "Arbuscular mycorrhiza development."

Thur 26.06.2014 (14.00 h) - Please note special time and place! Dr. Caroline Gutjahr (LMU München, D) Arbuscular mycorrhiza development. SFB924 Kolloquium "Molecular Mechanisms of Agronomic...[more]

Displaying results 148 to 154 out of 651