Persönlicher Status und Werkzeuge


11.03.2021 Information to Zoom seminar: Prof. Dr. Corinna Dawid, Technische Universität München-Weihenstephan (DE)

Dear all, today´s SFB924 Seminar (March 11th, 5:15 pm) will be given by Prof. Dr. Corinna Dawid, Lehrstuhl für Lebensmittelchemie und molekulare Sensorik, TUM School of Life Sciences, Freising. She will speak about...[more]

11.03.2021 Zoom seminar: Prof. Dr. Corinna Dawid, Technische Universität München-Weihenstephan (DE): "Phytometabolomics - a useful tool to characterize stress-induced metabolome alterations in plants."

Thur 11.03.2021 (17:15 h) - Zoom seminar Prof. Dr. Corinna Dawid (Technische Universität München-Weihenstephan, DE) Phytometabolomics - a useful tool to characterize stress-induced metabolome alterations in plants. SFB924...[more]

18.03.2021 Information to Zoom seminar: Dr. Vera Göhre, Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf (DE)

Dear all, this coming Thursday (March 18th, 5:15 pm) the SFB924 Seminar will be given by  Dr. Vera GöhreHeinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf She will speak about "Smut infection extended: Surviving in a plant for...[more]

18.03.2021 Zoom seminar: Dr. Vera Göhre, Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf (DE): "Smut infection extended: Surviving in a plant for years.

Thur 18.03.2021 (17:15 h) - Zoom seminarDr. Vera Göhre (Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf, DE)Smut infection extended: Surviving in a plant for years. SFB924 Kolloquium "Molecular Mechanisms of Agronomic...[more]

25.03.2021 Canceled: Zoom seminar: Prof. Dr. Thomas Kroj, INRA, Montpellier (FR): "Pathogen effector recognition by plant NLR immune receptors and decoy domains."

Canceled: Thur 25.03.2021 (17:15 h) - Zoom seminar Prof. Dr. Thomas Kroj (INRA, Montpellier, FR) Pathogen effector recognition by plant NLR immune receptors and decoy domains. SFB924 Kolloquium "Molecular Mechanisms of...[more]

01.04.2021 Information to Zoom seminar: Prof. Dr. Hans-Henning Kunz, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (DE)

Dear all,It is my pleasure to host Henning Kunz for our Thursday’s SFB924 Zoom Seminar series on April 1st. He is a new colleague at the LMU Biocenter and here is a short bio of Henning: In 2005, Henning earned a...[more]

01.04.2021 Zoom seminar: Prof. Dr. Hans-Henning Kunz, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (DE): Chloroplast ion homeostasis – a plant cell hub to sense and respond to environmental cues.

Thur 07.01.2021 (17:15 h) - Zoom seminarProf. Dr. Hans-Henning Kunz (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, DE)Chloroplast ion homeostasis – a plant cell hub to sense and respond to environmental cues. SFB924 Kolloquium...[more]

Displaying results 491 to 497 out of 651