Persönlicher Status und Werkzeuge


16.01.2014 New paper from the Gierl, Frey and Schwab labs.

Comparative analysis of benzoxazinoid biosynthesis in monocots and dicots: independent recruitment of stabilization and activation functions. Regina Dick, Thomas Rattei, Martin Haslbeck, Wilfried Schwab, Alfons Gierl and Monika...[more]

16.01.2014 Canceled: Colloquium: Prof. Dr. Reinhard Töpfer, Julius Kühn-Institut Siebeldingen (D), "Grapevine genomics and breeding for resistance."

Thur 16.01.14 (17.15 h) - Canceled Prof. Dr. Reinhard Töpfer (Julius Kühn-Institut Siebeldingen, D)  Grapevine genomics and breeding for resistance. SFB924 Kolloquium "Molecular Mechanisms of Agronomic...[more]

21.01.2014 New papers from the Schön and Schwechheimer labs.

Stable Carbon Isotope Discrimination Is under Genetic Control in the C4 Species Maize with Several Genomic Regions Influencing Trait Expression. Sebastian Gresset, Peter Westermeier, Svenja Rademacher, Milena Ouzunova, Thomas...[more]

23.01.2014 New papers from Parniske, Schwechheimer and Braun labs.

A modular plasmid assembly kit for multigene expression, gene silencing and silencing rescue in plants. Andreas Binder, Jayne Lambert, Robert Morbitzer, Claudia Popp, Thomas Ott, Thomas Lahaye and Martin Parniske (2014).  ...[more]

23.01.2014 SFB924 Teilprojektleiter(innen) Retreat - nicht öffentlich!

SFB924 Teilprojektleiter(innen) Retreat - nicht öffentlich! Wann: 23. und 24.01.2014 Wo: Berggasthof Bayernhaus (1280 m), Drehmöser 4 in 82467 Garmisch-Patenkirchen (Tel. 08821/2828) [more]

30.01.2014 Colloquium: Dr. Elisabeth Truernit, ETH Zürich (CH), "Looking at early phloem development."

Thur 30.01.2014 (14:00 h) - Please note special time and place! Dr. Elisabeth Truernit (ETH Zürich, CH) Looking at early phloem development. SFB924 Kolloquium "Molecular Mechanisms of Agronomic...[more]

03.02.2014 SFB924 Project leaders retreat 2014

The project leaders of the SFB924 return from a successful and productive retreat in the Bayernhaus, in the mountains above Garmisch-Partenkirchen.[more]

Displaying results 120 to 126 out of 651